Sunday, December 16, 2012

What Can I Do to Make You Believe Me?

 Om Swastyastu,

 We are live adjoining with the others. This is in accordance with our nature as social beings. Life requires us to work together with others. However, in any partnership, sometimes the conflict may came, one of them may because of no believe in each other.

 Believable required not only in partnership, but also in other things in life. Such as, when we start a friend relationship, build a love, work, and more.

 Our beliefs about others can come by itself without the need we seek. However, to get the people’s trust, sometimes required an effort to achieve it. What are them?

 1. Prove it with real results.
 Sometimes we want others to believe that we can do something. But unfortunately we can only say without doing anything. Someone would believe if she/he had seen the evidence. Therefore make something real to make she/he believes in you.
 If you want to be trusted as a friend then make something that makes her/him believe that you are the best friend that he was looking for.

 2. Do not hasty to make people believe in us.
 Remember, the beliefs is not made, but born. Because of that, it’s normal if the people’s believe come in long time. It needs to pass some process so the people can believe us. Of course, we must keep trying and don’t force that.

 3. Trust others.
 If you want to be trusted by others then you also have to believe them. Give and receive. This is the best we can do.

 4. Never betray the other’s trust.
 We must keep the people’s believe when they already put their trust in us. Don’t betray them. Because, if we betrayed them, will be difficult for us to get back their trust.

 The most important of all is to keep our credibility, and keep the trust of others to us.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

I Used to Solve My Problems by These Ways

  Om Swastyastu,

 As I promise to tell you about the secret of solving problems of life, well, I will share it now. You will learn about how to control your emotion, be more patient, and then, you will be able to think longer about the chance to solve what problems you are fighting now. I will give you the illustration first. Then you can try it, or just learn and understanding, it’s all up to you.

 Now, imagine yourself that you are triggering a problem. You feel not good. You are in a plight, bad mood, and won’t care anyone or anything around you. You are in a very big problem...

 Now think, what will you do? Or, what usually you do if you face this condition? ....

 Then think, is it work? I mean, do your way can make you feel relax, joy, and happy? If yes, then, you are a good-controlling emotion person. If no, you must learn more about controlling ego. Because, the success parameter of solving problems are depend on your way of controlling ego and emotion. I will show you the best way (I think) to control this and solve the problems.

 1. Take up a glass/cup which is fulfilled by water. Hold it like shown in the picture below.

     What do you feel? Nothing? Well, hold it longer. Hold it for 5 minutes...
     Getting tired? No? Alright, hold it for 10 minutes...
     Now, you must be tired, right? If no, you may hold it for 30 or 60 minutes...

 The meaning is: the problem is analogized by the cup of water that you are hold. It doesn’t make sense at the first. But, it’s getting heavier every minute you hold it. For 5 minutes, you start feel numb. 10 minutes later, you’ll feel heavy numb. Then, 15 minutes you hold it, you’ll get tired. Finally, 30 minutes later, you’ll feel so painful and cannot take it much longer.

 It’s the same as when you are in a problem. You hold it alone, and getting tired every minute. Until, you get frustrated, you can’t take it anymore. Then, what should you do? Yes, take a break for a little time.

2.  Put the cup on the table or anywhere, just don’t hold it for several minutes. Take a break and relax. Do not think about your problem, just free your mind. By this way, you’ll downgrade your frustrate condition caused by the problem. Maybe, 5 or 10 minutes later, you’ll feel no tired again. Now, think how to solve the problem. After that, you should be ready to take the cup (problem) again. Taking and putting the cup like this will make you used and won’t make you give up when facing and solving the problem.

3.  If the problem still hard to solve by yourself, then, take another cup (empty cup). Pour a little of water to the empty cup. This will make the cup that you are hold getting lighter than before, because the water in it was decreased. Take another empty cup again. Pour a half of water in your cup that you’re holding into the empty one. Now, it will be easier to hold, right?

    This is what I called “sharing”. You share your problem with another person. The more you shared, the more you will get lighter of holding a problem. So, share your problem as much as you can to your family, your best friends, or your teachers. And think together how to solve that. Remember, together we are invincible!

4.  And don’t forget to pray, because everything is already organized by the Almighty.

 That’s all my way to fight the problems. Do you want to try? :)